Current Lucy News and Site Updates

Quoting Lucy
"I realized that you could get away with a lot of stuff if you just acted stupid in class. It would defuse a lot of the tension. That is where I got my first comedic spark."



May Updates....

28 May 2004

New Lucy Images

The NZ WIFTI site has a couple of photos of Lucy from the summit she attended recently -

Eurotrip News

For German fans:  Bad news for fans who were hoping Lucy would be attending the premiere of Eurotrip in Germany. Lucy and Kristin Kreuk won't be attending.
Many thanks to Patrick for the news


27 May 2004


26 May 2004

Lucy TV Alert for Aussies

  • Celebrity Profile - Lucy Lawless On Arena (Foxtel) 27 May 2004. An hour long profile show looking at Lucy. Interviews family and friends and goes back to Lucy's childhood in Mount Albert and her rise to stardom as Xena.
    Many thanks to Maria for the alert

23 May

Articles - Warrior Women


21 May

X Marks The Spot - Lucy in X-Files

20 May

Multimedia - X Marks The Spot - Lucy in X-Files
X-Files Season 9 Commentary & Deleted Scene screengrabs and video
Many thanks to Ann for contributing the videos

NIHT_Commentary.mpg               - 720x480 [size: 16 mb]
NIHT_Dialogue.mpg                       - 720x480 [size: 16 mb]
NIHT_Commentary320240.mpg - 320x240 [size: 6.8 mb]
NIHT_Dialogue320240.mpg         - 320x240 [size: 6.8 mb]

19 May

News Archive - Magazines

  • Variety Magazine - 19 April 2004
    New Zealand women & film: New Zealand's internationally acclaimed women filmmakers pride themselves on their unique perspective.

News Archive - Newspapers

  • Sunday Mirror - 18 April 2004
    Interview with Zoe Bell (Lucy's stunt double on Xena) about her stunt work on Kill Bill. Small mention of Lucy: `I'd done gymnastics for eight years, and martial arts for two, but I didn't have any particular experience,' she says. `To begin with, I was pretty much being kicked around by Lucy Lawless, but I was there for three years and learned a lot.'
  • Brief mention of Lucy in the Carlsbad Current Argus - 17 May 2004 online newspaper-
    Annual Mescal Roast one of largest ever
    On Saturday, almost 90 people watched a documentary about Lozen, a Chiricahua Apache medicine woman who fought alongside Geronimo in the late 1800s in southwestern New Mexico.
    The film was part of a “Warrior Women” series narrated by actress Lucy Lawless of “Xena” fame. Geronimo’s great-grandson Harlan, who was involved in the recent production, introduced the film. [click here to read entire article]

18 May

Lucy Videos & Images from Havoc Quality Time Interview

REAF Benefit

The Xena Costume Auction Page is now up at the REAF Benefit Site. As mentioned previously, Lucy's costumes will be auction offed. One is from the Here She Comes Miss Amphipolis episode - the gold suit she wore in the pangeant. The other is the Valkerie costume has a hand written note from Lucy. This is the costume that Lucy wore as a Valkerie in Return of the Valkeries and it also has the necklace that Lucy wore as part of the costume as well as the ring Xena wore.The ring is beautifully displayed in a framed shadow box. More details will be posted on the Auction page as the date nears. Check it out

Lucy Movie News - Eurotrip

Lucy Store/Merchandise Updates

The X-Files Season 9 DVDs have been released and they have an extra special incentive for Lucy fans - they contain deleted scenes from the episodes "Nothing Important Happened Today."

This was posted to the TX Message Baord about the deleted scenes:

For those who might be wondering one of the deleted scenes included in the X-Files Season Nine DVD set is how they shot the opening scene from Nothing Important Happened Today orginally. Apparently they had a hard time getting the right mood of the scene (nothing to do with the actors) so they reshot it later and that's what we saw.  The original scene was a little longer and had a more serious tone plus they changed Lucy's hair a bit. There was also commentary included and the two comments I remember was that they thought Lucy was fabulous and they just wanted to get her on the show.
Many thanks to Tobias for the information


For those in the UK you can purchase Peach (one of the first movies Lucy made)



15 May

Lucy Videos & Images from Havoc Quality Time Interview

Lucy appeared on this interview show and she's in bed with the host throughout the interview. Lucy talks about what brought her back to NZ, the issue of naked and doctored pictures of her on the net which she finds funny and she printed out a few to show around. She said that she didn't have the time or the energy to chase these people up and just found it amusing. They briefly discussed the Vagina Monologues and what Lucy is doing now.

  • Added the Havoc Quality Time Interview with Lucy which has been edited since the interview was spliced in with other segments of the show. The editing has been done by Richard. It's a fairly large file - 27 mb.
  • Added a second TV advert which is slightly longer - 1.7 mb
  • Added Screengrabs from the Havocs Quality Time Interview

The following is from Creation Entertainment

The DVD does NOT contain Renee's entire performance just the part where Renee is Grandma Renee.

We're very excited to announce today that ordering is now available for a much anticipated DVD: The 2004 Highlights DVD from The Official Xena Convention!

The event was a fabulous weekend: a true celebration of the series and stars! And now, in this amazing 2 1/2 hour DVD, you'll get to enjoy it all over again (or see it for the first time if you weren't there!)

Featuring exclusive appearances by RENEE O'CONNOR and "GREAT GRANDMA RENEE IN HER GABRIELLE OUTFIT!", LUCY LAWLESS (in her super-surprise visit and we show the backstage set-up too!), HUDSON LEICK, DANIELLE CORMACK, VICKY PRATT and so many more of the stars we love!

Reserve your copy today at our
Xena Online Shop and thanks for your continued support!

13 May

  • Added a review of Lucy's appearance on Havocs Quality Time in New Zealand by Calli

Xena DVD News

  • Updated Region 1 DVD News with information on the extras that will be available for the upcoming DVDs for Seasons 5 and 6.

11 May

Lucy Links

  • Added a new affiliate - - You can buy Lucy posters and any type of poster and have them framed. Check them out.

10 May

Lucy Videos / Screengrabs

9 May

Added a Guestbook



  • Added scan of Lucy with a young patient from NZ Herald - 5 May 2004
    Starship begins campaign for specialised x-ray machine
    Read article  | scan contributed by Lessa

Warrior Women

  • There is a very small mention of Lucy in the LA Times article "Pirate Queen with Irish Luck" - on the life of Grace O'Malley

8 May

New Sections - Site Information Section

Lucy on NZ Idol

For those asking - clip #7 of NZ Idol had to be removed because it was a little skewy. I will be adding it shortly.

7 May

Lucy on NZ Idol


  • There are 9 seperate videos for download - only Lucy bits and not the performances. The first clip is of a short Lucy interview at the start of the show and the rest are Lucy's comments. Looks like Lucy had a great time. All the videos are wmv format  -
    click here for NZ Idol Video Section


Warrior Women in Singapore

Lucy Aussie & Kiwi Warrior Women Update

History. History labels Boudica as a cruel heroine who stopped at nothing to defend her people and culture. But what, exactly, encouraged such relentless behaviour from a wife and mother? (PG) 7 May 2004 - 9:30 pm (AEST)


08.05.04 - 1.30 am  |  09.05.04 - 8.30 pm  | 10.05.04 - 5.30 am  | 10.05.04 - 1.30 pm
14.05.04 - 6.30 am  | 14.05.04 - 5.30 pm   | 16.05.04 - 7.30 am  | 16.05.04 - 3.30 pm

Xenaverse News

Follow up to yesterday's news about the Xena and Herc wax figures...there's a picture online that shows the wax it me or does Xena look like Queen Hera? Check it out at


6 May

Lucy Articles

  • Lucy mention from NZ Herald - 5 May 2004
    Starship Foundation trustee and television star Lucy Lawless became the first Mercury Energy customer to sign up to a donation scheme to raise money for a new mobile image intensifier. Under the Mercury scheme, customers can donate $2 or more each month through their power bills. The company yesterday donated $35,000 towards the cost of the new machine.

Lucy Aussie & Kiwi TV Alert

Singapore will is also screening Warrior Women during this week at 10 pm and next episode is Wang Cong'Er

4. Wang Cong'Er
Lifestyle / Doco. The Mulan legend is the story of a young Chinese woman who joined the army in place of her old, ailing father during the Sui dynasty, over a thousand years ago. (PG)
6 May 2004 - 9:30 pm (AEST)

7/5/04 - 1:30 am  |  13/5/04 - 6:30 am  |  13/5/04 - 5:30 pm

Xenaverse News

The following is from Jessica:

I was surfing the Internet today and I came across this. It seems that Xena (spelled zena on the website) and Hercules have their own wax fiqures up:

10th Anniversary Xena Con News

The following is from Creation Entertainment

    Thanks to your amazing support GOLD WEEKEND PACKAGES for the 10th Anniversary OFFICIAL XENA CONVENTION are now sold out, and today we are announcing two new ticket packages for this eagerly anticipated event coming to Burbank, California January 21-23, 2005.

    PREFERRED WEEKEND PACKAGES are the best option available at this time for those coming all weekend, and GENERAL ADMISSION WEEKEND PACKAGES are the most economical packages available for those coming all weekend.  

    Check out our site and grab your seating and hotel reservations today at:


5 May

Lucy Aussie & Kiwi TV Alert

Tonight's episode is:

3. Lozen: The Apache Warrior
History. Tells the tale of the great Apache seer and warrior woman, Lozen. She is remembered for her acts of bravery and her clairvoyant ability to guide her people away from danger. (PG) 5 May 2004 - 9:30 pm (AEST)


6/5/04 - 1:30 am  |  9/5/04 - 7:30 pm |  10/5/04 - 4:30 am |  10/5/04 - 12:30 pm
12/5/04 - 6:30 am  |  16/5/04 - 5:30 am |  16/5/04 - 2:30 pm


Lucy Images

Articles - Magazines

  • Article and Scan from Ultimate DVD Magazine - Issue #53 Spotlight on Hollywood - Interview with Lucy Lawless on the Season Three DVD

  • An update to yesterday's post about the article in Lesbianation - Amy received this note from Gary at Creation (unfortunately it was too late to add to the article so I include here)

    Enjoyed reading the article, it was really well done.  Sorry, though, that they didn't mention Anita Ellis' charity at Hofstra University.  She's worked awfully hard and helped so many students affected by cancer get through college and Xena fans have been the backbone of her support.

    Creation Entertainment

4 May

I was recently asked to co-write an article about all the good the fans do in this fandom and I'm pleased to say the article is now up on the Lesbianation web site. It's called "For The Greater Good" and it's about fans with bigs hearts and deep pockets.

Lucy TV Updates

Lucy Aussie & Kiwi TV Alert

Tonight's Warrior Women episode - 2. Grace O'Malley: Pirate Queen
History. Nowhere in the annals of seafaring history has a woman succeeded in the art of seamanship like Ireland's Grace O'Malley. (PG)
4 May 2004 - 9:30 pm (AEST)

5/5/04 - 1:30 am  |   11/5/04 - 6:30 am  | 1/5/04 - 5:30 pm

Lucy on NZ Idol

  • Added transcript / commentary with Lucy quotes only for the Lucy - NZ Idol show.
    The commentary is by Idolblog and the Lucy quotes by akl82
    Updated TV Show Transcripts
    Many thanks to akl82 for the information

  • There is a mention of Lucy in the NZ Herald 3 May 2004
    Even the judges seemed to enjoy themselves, with the exception of guest Lucy Lawless, whose critiques made it sound as though she wasn't sure what she was doing there. She told Murphy he would be an amazing star - in 10 years' time. To read the entire article go to:
    NZ Herald -  Axe hovering - who will get the chop from NZ Idol? - 3 May 2004


3 May

Lucy On NZ Idol! - Click here to view the images

Lucy on TV

Reminder for Aussies and Kiwis - Warrior Women stars on Discovery all this week at 9:30 pm. Click here for full details - repeat times/dates

1. Joan of Arc
History. The life of Joan of Arc was as dramatic as it was short-lived. At the age of 13 she heard voices and, by the time she was 19, she was burnt at the stake. (PG)
3 May 2004 - 9:30 pm (AEST)

Lucy on NZ Idol News

REAF Auction

  • I just got word from Julie that the ring that Xena wore in The Ring from Return ot The Valkeries, The Ring and will also be auctioned off together with the costume and the necklace.


Movie - Double Dare Updates

For those in Boston, US, the 2nd Annual Independent Film Festival of Boston is showing the movie Double Dare. DOUBLE DARE explores the lives of Jeannie and Zöe, the stunt doubles for Wonder Woman and Xena:Warrior Princess, as they face the challenges of a dangerous and male-dominated profession. The real women behind these two world-famous icons are at drastically different crossroads in their lives. One, a grandmother, struggles with the aging process and Hollywoodís dearth of older female roles; the other, a young woman, is brash and unaware of the feminist battles that have paved her way in this notoriously macho field. Featuring Lynda Carter, Lucy Lawless, Steven Speilberg, and Quentin Tarantino.
Screening times are:
Screening #1: 4:30pm - Saturday May 1 Brattle
Screening #2: 7:30pm - Sunday May 2 Somerville


1 May

Lucy TV Alert

  • TV alert for Kiwis, NZ Idol, Sunday 2nd May, 7:30pm, TV2
    "This week it's the "Relive the 80s" special with guest judge Lucy Lawless, who, during that era, was a major star of bank ads." -
    Many thanks to Andi for the alert

Lucy News

You can now subscribe to the LucyLawlessInfo chat and announcement list at yahoogroups - to join go to:

If you want just Lucy updates rather than the combined version - you can go to

If you want just the Renee updates rather than the combined version - you can go to:

and of course if you want the combined version -


Continued - more Lucy Updates for April 2004




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