AUSXIP Interviews Lucy Lawless
Interviewed by MaryD
- 15 December 2011

Exclusive Interview with Xena & Spartacus Star Lucy Lawless

I last spoke to Lucy in May 2010 for the second AUSXIP Interview when she had just completed working on Spartacus: Blood and Sand and got involved with Greenpeace as their Ambassador. Since then Lucy has been extremely busy starring in Spartacus: Gods of the Arena and the soon to be seen Spartacus: Vengeance as Lucretia. To many Lucretia is the best role Lucy has ever played but Xena remains at the top of the list for many Lucy fans. Since our last interview, Lucy has immersed herself in the role of Greenpeace ambassador and Eco-Warrior; she passionately believes in conservation and environmental issues such as Climate Change. In this interview we talk to Lucy about the upcoming final Xena Convention, her passion for environmental issues and what fans can expect from Lucretia in Spartacus: Vengeance.

AUSXIP: The very last Xena Convention is coming up in January 2012, what are your thoughts on the convention being the very last one?

LUCY: I think it's been an honour and a privilege to have had your company all these years. it was an extraordinary show with an extraordinary fanbase who became a force for good in the world. This fellowship will continue and I don't believe this is the last time we will find ourselves in one another's company

AUSXIP:. Since our last interview back in 2010, you have become even more involved in environmental causes and on 15 September 2011 you gave the opening presentation to the 24 Hour of Reality segment for New Zealand. How did that come about?

LUCY: I was invited to introduce the NZ segment by Al Gore's company. I think they feel that entertainers have a unique way of capturing attention so they should not be left out of the process. All hands to the pumps! climate change demands that every one of us participates in whatever way we can.

AUSXIP: Your presentation was cut short to about 5 minutes due to the Auckland thunderstorms. Can you fill us in on what we missed out on?

LUCY: I will do a transcript if you remind me (MaryD: write memo to self to remind Lucy...)

: You attended the Jane Goodall lecture in June 2011; what was the one thing you took out of that lecture that you were not aware of?

LUCY: Jane feels that all efforts must have a three-pronged approach: each project or person should strive every day to help
people/animals/environment. Poverty is the enemy of all environmental progress. people do not care about people or trees if they are starving or thirsty. It is a basic law of nature.

AUSXIP:. What does conservation mean to you in your every day life and how are you reducing your own personal carbon footprint?

LUCY: Spurred on by my fans' efforts on Feel The Love Day, I am meeting with solar panel consultants to get a grid-integrated system for my home. I never let my family turn on heaters when the can put on sweaters but if I have solar panels, we can take the edge of the winter somewhat. Flying is my big bug bear. I am trying to reduce flights whenever possible by scheduling things together or staying longer overseas even though it puts my family under some strain. It's an awful trade off, but necessary.

AUSXIP: On 11 September 2011 we lost Andy Whitfield who succumbed to non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. What thoughts did you give to your own legacy, to your family and friends?

LUCY: None. There is only love. Legacy is what men think of. It's in their dna to pass on their name, their features, their knowledge. I will be happy to pass from the world without fanfare. I want to make my kids strong so that they will miss me but not be bereft.



AUSXIP: . Spartacus Vengeance will be with us in January 2012 and you have just finished filming. What has your experience on Spartacus taught you about yourself that you didn't know before?
LUCY: That I am old and grumpy and I have a wicked streak. Managed to laugh a lot for a grumpy old fart.

AUSXIP: . What experiences will you take with you from this series that you
never thought you would have?
LUCY: So many wonderful acting challenges. If you look back at the beginning, Lucretia was not really written for but the role grew and I never took that for granted. This season is going to be a doozy for my character.

AUSXIP:  Actors use the expression about coming out of a different rabbit hole for their next role, to keep them & their audience on their toes.
What rabbit hole have you not yet done but would still love to do? (having done comedy, drama, fight scenes, historical drama, singing,
LUCY: I always love playing people who are weak or exploited. I seldom get the chance but I relish playing against type.

AUSXIP: Lucretia...natural brown, orange/redhead or peroxide blond? Which version was the most fun to play and why?

LUCY: Oh, the redhead gets in more trouble. When you see the red, look out!

Thanks to Lucy for the interview! You can catch Lucy on Spartacus: Vengeance as Lucretia on the Starz Network. The show will premiere on 27 January 2012. Lucy will also be appearing at the 2012 Xena Convention in Burbank, California for the Final Journey Convention where she will be appearing on stage and also doing Photo Ops with fans.


Read AUSXIP Lucy Interview May 2010
Read AUSXIP Lucy Interview April 2010

For more information, news, photos and video of Lucy, please visit:

AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Eco-Warrior Subsite
-  AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Spartacus Subsite
The Australian Xena Information Page