AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Files - Flawless Print - Lucy Articles

New Idea
(New Zealand)

4 September 1999

Lucy, Pregnant Princess

Contributed by Liz Wilson

A heavily pregnant Lucy Lawless is thrilled about the very imminent arrival of her new baby. And what a coincidence, so is her alter ego Xena! Lucky for Lucy, wriers of her worldwide hit show Xena: Warrior Princess have decided Xena herself will go through a TV pregnancy.

And as our exclusive sneak-preview pictures show, Xena now sports the very latest in maternity warrior gear! Despite her ever-expanding baby-belly, our heroine is obviously still just as powerful as ever at fighting off the bad guys and rescuing the goodies. In real-life, Lucy is a trooper too, staying firm to her work commitments as she awaits her exciting new arrival, a sibling for daughter Daisy.

She's only human though, and every pregnant woman gets extra-hungry - so we're pleased to see the crew had lots of food and drink to keep Lucy happy during filming. And for when the action gets too exerting, there's always a body-double ready to stand in (if only all expectant mums could have one in real life!). As you can see, there's not long to go before Lucy and her husband Rob Tapert become parents together. Watch this space for more news.....