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Lucy Lawless - Star Diet
Globe Magazine
13 January 1998
Xena, Warrior Princess, born March 29, 1968, blimped up to 153 pounds when she broke her pelvis two years ago. But the 5-foot-10 New Zealander slimmed down with biologist Barry Sears' high-protein diet from his best-selling book, The Zone. The key is lots of meat and vegetables, but lesser amounts of starchy carbs like potatoes and pasta.
Luckily, the divorced mom of 8-year-old Daisy loves healthy foods from her native land. I adore kumara, which is a native yam," she says, "and puha, a kind of collard green."
Here's how a princess keeps a royal figure:
Breakfasts orange: 2 eggs; 1 slice wheat toast.
Lunch: 4 oz. lamb; 1 cup broccoli.
Dinner: 6 oz. broiled sole; 1 cup steamed spinach or collard greens.
Snacks: 1 apple: 1 protein bar.
DAY 2 -
Breakfast: 1 kiwi fruit; 2 sausages; 1/2 cup baked beans.
Lunch: 4 oz. broiled hamburger; 1/2 cup coleslaw: 2 carrots.
Dinner: 4 oz. pot roast; V2 cup roast yams; 1 cup beans.
Snacks: 10 grapes; 1 apple.
DAY 3 -
Breakfast: Fruit plate with 1 sliced orange; 1/2 banana; strawberries; 1 oz. Farmer's cheese.
Lunch: 2 oz. Cheddar with tomatoes; celery sticks; 4 rye crackers.
Dinner: 6 oz. broiled snapper; 1 cup collard greens. Snacks: 1 cup yogurt; 1 protein bar.
Gentle exercise with pals, such as dog-walking or jogging, will calm that anger that leaves you with burning headaches.