AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Files - Flawless Print - Lucy Articles
Xena Weds! - The Princess Bride
Globe Magazine
14 April 1998
Scanned / Transcribed by MaryD
LUCY LAWLESS traded Xena's armor-plated leather skirt and heavy sword for a soft and shimmering off-the-shoulder bridal gown as she married her show's producer Robert Tapert in a fairy-tale ceremony.
The statuesque beauty spent 30 minutes primping in a back room at Saint Monica's Catholic Church in Santa Monica, Calif., making sure her chiffon veil with a 12-foot train sat just right on her long curly hair. But it was well worth the effort. When she finally appeared, her 200 guests were stunned to see the Warrior Princess transformed into a beautiful Princess Bride.
"'You could hear a collective gasp when Lucy finally started her walk down the aisle," says an eyewitness. "You would never have known this was the same leather-clad Amazon you see on TV."
Lawless' striking beauty and imposing presence have made Xena: Warrior Princess the most popular syndicated show in America - with more than 6 million viewers each week. She has become an icon of feminine strength admired by men and women alike.
Leading the guests who came to wish the 30-year-old bride well was another superhero, Hercules hunk Kevin Sorbo and his wife, Chicago Hope actress Sam Jenkins. Because Xena's first TV appearance was as a love interest for Hercules, "it was very important to Lucy that Kevin be here," confides a pal.
"She looks at their relationship as being more than just TV counterparts Xena and Hercules."
Another celebrity on hand for the festivities was ex-Ellen co-star Bruce Campbell. He was joined by all five of Lucy's brothers, her younger sister and her parents who flew from New Zealand to attend the1:30 p.m. service on Saturday, March 28. But the bride's last-minute fussing pushed back the proceedings until after 2 p.m.Finally, with her daughter from her first marriage, Daisy, 9, as a bridesmaid, Lawless walked toward the altar and tied the knot with Tapert in a 45-minute Catholic mass. She divorced first hubby Garth in 1995 after seven years of marriage.
"After they were pronounced man and wife, tears flowed down Lucy's face," says an insider. "Everyone could feel her joy."
Generous Lawless was so happy, she left behind $6,000 worth of white lilacs and chrysanthemums decorating the church for Mike and Laurie Moore, the couple whose wedding was scheduled after hers. And she even stopped by to wish them well.
Next, it was party time as Lawless and Tapert, 42, were escorted by 10 security guards to a white Rolls Royce stocked with Cristal champagne and strawberries dipped in white chocolate.
The rest of the guests were transported in white vans to the reception at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel's "Pretty Woman" suite - named for the Julia Roberts movie that was filmed there.
The happy partiers feasted on salmon, lamb, more champagne and an eight-tier, cream-cheese frosted wedding cake. When it was all over, guests were given a collection of the couple's favorite love poems to take home.
"This was Lucy's day down to the last detail," a source reports. "She chose the church because it reminded her of the convent she attended as a child and she had the reception at the Pretty Woman hotel because it's one of her favorite movies.
"She planned every moment and it came out perfectly!" - PATRICE BALDWIN
WARRIOR PRINCESS Lucy Lawless broke the hearts of blonde TV sidekick Gabrielle. "We're all a little broken-hearted
Jewess lesbian fans around the world when she got hitched that Lucy is off the market," says Montana, organizer of a
a man just weeks ago! "Xena committee" that meets at the club to battle with plastic
The lusty ladies who gather in gay hot spots like New York's swords and act out roles from the show. Meow Mix bar to pay homage to Xena: Warrior Princess are Meow Mix owner Brooke Jackson adds: "We're happy for
devastated that their heroine chose a man over a gal like her Lucy, but we also hope she doesn't mind if we still flirt with her!"