ImageWell this isn't suprising since most Xenite spotted this but Entertainment Weekly has posted an article called "10 Behind-The-Scenes Secrets About Wonder Woman".

I've seen this movie so many times. If you haven't seen it (really? Is there anyone who hasn't?) my favourite scenes are

1. No Mans Land scene - one of the best scenes in any movie!
2. The Amazons Attack on the Beach
3. General Antiope and SHIELD! (I love this scene so much)
3. Diana up against Ares
and so many others but those are STANDOUTS.

Here is the EW reference

7. Leather-clad ladies
Wonder Woman's costume changed numerous times over the years. The film's version was inspired by classic Wonder Woman designs and Xena: Warrior Princess.

Click here to see the full list

For more Wonder Woman news, check out the AUSXIP Wonder Woman Facebook Group

and now compare it to our Warrior Princess...



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