New article / interview in The New York Times
25 November 2015
Lucy Lawless on the “Xena” revival, her new show and seizing life with both hands
The “Ash vs. Evil Dead” star is self-possessed, controlled, stubbornly individualistic and ready to come at your questions head on
Like the meta icon she is, one known as “Xena” to this day, Lucy Lawless stepped into the august foyer of the Union Theological Seminary in New York City, elegant but casual in a tailored tweed jacket and knee-high flat leather boots, her wavy hair streaked pink on top and bundled up in the back. Instantly, she commanded the room — imposing, taller than anyone around her, but exuding a disarming charm.
She had arranged to meet in this English Gothic landmark in Manhattan, site of independent and ecumenical thought, where, it turned out, she would later sit in on a small seminar, a rarely granted privilege. It was clear that the Union’s staff was familiar with her, eagerly doing her bidding. A staff member led us down labyrinthine back passages and stairways to a room reserved for us. Someone had forgotten to unlock it, so we proceeded to the Social Hall, a cavernous room for performances and receptions. The place was empty, dark, window shades shutting out the bright sun of a November midday.
What was Lucy Lawless, Xena, Warrior Princess, lesbian role model and mythical hero, doing here?