Greenpeace New Zealand has released two photos of Lucy supporting the #Arctic30. Thank Lucy on twitter for taking this stand (Greenpeace site)
New Zealand actor Lucy Lawless supporting the release of the Arctic 30 which includes New Zealanders Jonathan Beauchamp and David Haussmann.
© 2013 Greenpeace / Phil Crawford
All images posted courtesy of Greenpeace
The crew of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise took part in a peaceful protest at Gazprom's oil rig to call attention to the threat of oil drilling and climate change. The ice is retreating and oil companies are moving north to drill for the same stuff that's driving that melting in the first place. It's madness.
These brave activists looked at the scientific evidence of man made global warming and the threat it poses to the Arctic, and decided to do something about it. A freelance photographer and videographer were there simply to document their protest. Just as in years past, the resolve and courage required to win a better future for our children requires personal sacrifice, a sacrifice the Arctic 30 are now making. They made their stand in the interests of us all.