The New Zealand Film Industry is going through a tough time and Lucy has tweeted about the troubles.
SJ, u brilliant db, we shot #Xena for 6 yrs in that studio w. a train next door. The film industry is dying coz U killed it. @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
SJ, u brilliant db, we shot #Xena for 6 yrs in that studio w. a train next door. The film industry is dying coz U killed it. @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
I remember when Gerry-sexy-coal-Brownlee came to our set so he could decide exactly how best to MUNT foreign investment. WOW. @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
All the NZ Govt can think of to balance the books is Coal/Oil/Gas. Sooo 19th century. Why not push our geothermal knowhow? @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
Another production just left NZ for Sth Africa. Film Industry dying, SJ! Why do you love fossil fuels so much? #ClimateChange @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
NZ film workers losing their trucks. 22.10.13 - Question 8: Jacinda Ardern to the Minister for Economic Development
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
NZ Film once more lucrative than wine. Now moribund. 22.10.13 - Jacinda Ardern to the Minister for EconDevelopment
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
He did. He gave them the best advice to keep film rolling and they screwed him over. @Brycepearce @stevenljoyce
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
Every day Rob &ChloeSmith get calls from Film crew desperate they can't pay their mortgages. Rob can't convince studios to come! @crixacus
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013
@welliejaffa @stevenljoyce Govt policy on tax rebates for NZ film killed all incentive. foreign invest now NIL. Big Tax$ spent wooing BigOil
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) October 23, 2013