Sat 7:00 pm Hyatt Regency VI – VII Dragoncon Guest of Honor Awards Banquet
We Honour our 2013 Guests of Honor

Lucy was listed as Speaker and despite being on crutches, Lucy attended the event. Here are some photos (more to come later) from AUSXIP Reporter Cirocco who attended the event.

Update: Lucy received an award in appreciation for her work and she was given the additional honour of having 31 August at Dragon*Con declared Lucy Lawless Day. Many thanks to G. Sanchez (@sanchezghp) on twitter for the updated info

For all the photos, video and other news related to Lucy’s DragonCon Event, head on over to the
AUSXIP Lucy Lawless DragonCon Event Page



For all the photos, video and other news related to Lucy’s DragonCon Event, head on over to the
AUSXIP Lucy Lawless DragonCon Event Page