Here’s a wrap up of the tweets, pics and video (or soon to be video) of Lucy’s final performance tonight! Read more about Lucy’s role as Mama Morton in the Hollywood Bowl production of Chicago The Musical on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Chicago at the Hollywood Bowl subsite


Firstly: Been chatting to Shine on Media. They have video & pics of Lucy of the final performance! plus photos! Watch out for that!



Lucy Lawless Peppers Our Ragu in "Chicago"
by Teresa Ortega,

When I first read that Lucy Lawless would be appearing in the musical "Chicago" in New Zealand, my first impulse was to price out the cost of air travel, hotel and tickets. My second impulse was to sit quietly in a darkened room, pondering my career and financial choices and the harsh realities of the world we live in.
After I crept out of my despondency, I happened to notice a few weeks later that a production of "Chicago" would be coming to the Hollywood Bowl over the summer. Noticing that the production was yet to be cast, I held out hope that I might get to see Lucy Lawless perform in "Chicago" closer to home.

When the cast was announced, Lucy Lawless was named to play Matron "Mama" Morton, the same role filled by Queen Latifah in the movie version of "Chicago." With Lucy set to play Velma Kelly in the New Zealand "Chicago production later this year, those fans who can afford it will have the opportunity to see Lucy in two different roles in one musical.

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Carpe Chakram contributed this montage of Lucy on stage.

Click on the thumbnail for the larger version