ImageThere has been quite a buzz all over the net about Lucy's tweets about the Resurrection of Xena in some form or other (see below for those tweets) and rightly so.

We've been wishing and hoping for one since 2003 - The AUSXIP Xena Movie Section has been updated every time there was a smidgen of news about a possible movie.

There has been quite a bit of discussion about this on AUSXIP's Facebook Page

If you a member of the AUSXIP Talking Xena Message Board you can discuss it Xena Chat Forum

This morning Lucy answered another question about the possible Xena resurrection:


here's Lucy's original tweets from 23 May 2013



Discuss this on AUSXIP's Facebook Page

If you a member of the AUSXIP Talking Xena Message Board you can discuss it Xena Chat Forum