The Sustainable Electricity Association of New Zealand web site has posted three great photos of Lucy on their site for an upcoming Smart Energy Expo. Click here to view the images

Lucy Lawless spent time with some of the SEANZ team, Brendan WInitana, Rebecca George and Teresa Moore, in supporting and promoting SEANZ and the upcoming SEANZ's events, the EnaSolar Conference and SMART ENERGY EXPO. As a well known New Zealand actress, Lucy is best known for her role as Xena Warrior Princess.
With the SEANZ 2012 Conference and EnaSolar SEANZ SMART ENERGY EXPO
on next week, Lucy is playing a huge part in promotion of the events as a
passionate supporter for protection of our environment including the
use of clean technology.
As Lucy says " It's all about the bigger picture and making a difference for our environment"
SEANZ thanks Lucy for all her support and inspiring passion.
Click here to see more of Lucy's Eco-Warrior ways