On the 19th March, Lucy's court case for the Save The Arctic Protest was postponed by 2 weeks until 5 April. The initial court case was going to be heard on 1st March, it got then pushed back to 20 March and now it's been pushed back again by another 2 weeks.
Greenpeace has again announced that the court case due on 5 April has been postponed again on twitter.
@GreenpeaceNZ The court date for the 'Taranaki 7' has once again been postponed for another two weeks #savethearctic @RealLucyLawless
04 April 2012 at 2:46 pm
and the reason?
@GreenpeaceNZ:delayed for more discussion with police which we hope
will result in appropriate charges being agreed.
04 April 2012 at 3:12 pm
See more on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Save The Arctic Support Page for more news, photos, video and other multimedia
See more of Lucy's role as an Eco-Warrior and Greenpeace Ambassador