After an epic 77-hour occupation of Shell's Arctic bound drill ship in the Port of Taranaki, Lucy, Viv, Ilai, Shai, Ra, Mike and Shayne have all been arrested and forced to come down.
Just before their arrest, Lucy tweeted this: Seven of us came up the tower on Shell’s drillship but 4 days later 130,000 will come down. In solidarity we can #savethearctic.
She's talking about the 130,000 people who had emailed Shell (it's now over 155,000!) and the unprecedented wave of support and awareness that their action created.
And Lucy and the team may have now been arrested, but that doesn't stop us from taking action.
Join more than 155,000 and tell Shell to keep out of the Arctic:
Tell Shell's bosses their oil rigs have no place in Arctic waters!
If we can keep up the momentum this action has created we have a very real chance of stopping Shell drilling in the Arctic.
Let's see if we can make it to 200,000 people calling on Shell to stay out of the Arctic by the end of the day!
(See more on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Save The Arctic Event Page)
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