
Our friends over at Update Magazine have an interesting article on Lucy's involvement with the Greenpeace Save The Arctic Protest

Lucy Lawless, Arrested... Battles On

Lucy Lawless took on Shell Oil and created an "awareness" that hopefully won't go away anytime soon. She obviously created a massive "hole" in the oil company's plans to continue drilling in the Arctic off the coast of Alaska as Shell Oil managed to "dig up" an old ad that the actress did for them OVER 20+ years ago! This is precisely the reason that this story MUST be told in the United States of America! The story has NOT been broadcast here in the US on any major network-- cable or otherwise! The questions we should now be asking are: WHY IS THIS STORY BEING SUBDUED IN THE US? and... WHY AREN'T THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ADDRESSING THE ISSUE OF OFFSHORE DRILLING? How is it that Shell Oil was allowed to slip their "agenda" under the radar? We have a few theories here at UPBEAT... First of all, Shell Oil is a publically traded company. This means that ALL information about the company, including any/all plans are PUBLIC DOMAIN according to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. So why were we not informed?

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