Greenpeace has sent a news update which features Lucy outside her gate with the big No Drill No Spill Greenpeace sign.
This summer we're underlining the opposition to
deep sea oil drilling with these No Drill No Spill signs.
Lucy Lawless with one of our signs on her gate at home in Auckland
Last year we saw the biggest protest march in a generation opposing mining conservation land. The Government was forced to back down then but yesterday it came out that they still plan on mining conservation land!
It's part of a agenda to mine the depths of the ocean and dig up more dirty coal - at the expense of NZ's good name, the climate and the natural environment, and we need to stop it.
There are two things you can do right now:
- Sign the Petition - or if you're one of the 100,000 who already have - share the petition!
- Put a sign on your fence or a poster in your window
We can provide posters or signs in various sizes and can help with installation. We can do signs for grass verges, front gardens, houses, fences or walls, and we have weather-proof posters or print-your-own posters. (Here's some pics of signs that have gone up in Auckland) If you want to print your own right now you can do that now.
Keep updated with this Lucy Lawless Greenpeace campaign by going to the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless No Drill No Spill Subsite
Related No Drill No Spill News
- New Lucy Photo from Greenpeace No Drill No Spill
- Message From Lucy To the NZ Government
- Greenpeace: Petrobras field the source of serious deep sea oil leak off