Lucy was a presenter on the Air New Zealand Show during 1992/93 and went all over the world from Queenstown in New Zealand to Praque.
Aitutaki Lagoon Episode – Air NZ Holiday Show Lucy Lawless 1992
Posted on: 10th June 2011
In this episode Lucy pays a visit to the Aitutaki Lagoon – Lucy goes snorkeling, take a canoe ride and fishing island style in the lagoon. Watch for a very funny moment where plane wing meets Lucy’s hat and Lucy’s reaction!
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Aitutaki Lagoon
The Aitutaki Lagoon is 20 kilometres across at its widest point. It is much bigger than imagined, as the island of Rarotonga (Cook Islands’ main island) would actually fit inside the lagoon!
The land mass is just 18.5 sq km (7.1 sq miles). The lagoon is quite shallow. In fact three quarters of it is no more than 4.5 metres deep (14.76 ft). The maximum depth only reaches 10.5 metres (34.45 ft). The name Aitutaki is derived from the words God (aitu) and led (taki). Famous first ‘tourists’ have included Captain Cook (1789 and 1792) and Charles Darwin (1835).