The following was posted on AUSXIP Spartacus Chat Forum by member xenawp7706:

I just read an italian article that says that from 27 of June to the 3rd of July in Milan we are going to have the annual Telefilm Festival: a Festival dedicated to all the new TV Series coming up in Italy.

And this is the great news: At this Festival they are going to show episode 1 and 2 of Spartacus Gods of the Arena, coming up in Italy in August 25 on Sky 1.

This is the bit in Italian:
Un altro salto indietro nel tempo, e sempre in costume, l'anteprima di Spartacus - Gods of the Arena (su Sky Uno dal 25 agosto), prequel-peplum dell'originale Spartacus - Sangue e sabbia, incentrato sulle gesta del gladiatore Gannicus (interpretato dall'aitante Dustin Clare) e che vede il ritorno in scena dell'ex "Xena" Lucy Lawless, nei panni (sovente al vento) di Lucrezia, al centro di scene che lasciano ben poco all'immaginazione...

Another jump in the past, and another costume series, the preview of Spartacus- Gods of the Arena (On Sky 1 from August 25), prequel sword and sandals of the original Spartacus Blood and Sand, about the Gladiator Gannicus(Played by Dustin Clare) and that sees the return on the scenes of Lucy Lawless, ex Xena, playing(Often naked) Lucretia, in some scenes that leave very little to the imagination...
I am very excited about this!!

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