Here's an update on Lucy's Resene Facebook page and Argo's auction tally for today 28 February 2011 at 4:15 pm Sydney time
Lucy is sitting in FIRST place with 2843 (ahead by 173). We are leading! Okay so now the job is
to keep Argo in first place. Keep on LIKING, Keep on Spreading the
Word!. We have until 10 March (NZ - 9 March
US) to do this and stay at #1 until then. Spread the word.
Remember: If you have created a facebook account to
support Lucy - I know we've been saying this for days now but it's all
the more important please DO NOT delete it BEFORE 10 March at midday NZ
If you delete it now, Lucy's numbers will fall because the LIKES will
disappear. Delete it after 10 March. Spread the word because now Argo is
#1 and they are coming after us...
For those coming late to the proceedings...You can help Starship get that extra $5000 by going to Lucy's Resene Facebook Page, liking it and if it has the highest number of LIKES of the Resene Horses (Lucy is FIRST place at the moment) Starship will get an extra $5000 for the kids on top of the auction winning bid.
That's why the big push in getting people to LIKE Lucy's Resene FB page. Starship gets an extra $5000
LIKE the FB Page now
(Cut off date: 10 March 2011 at midday NZ Time)
Argo on TradeMe: $2250(Winning Bid So Far 28/02/11)
(Closes: 12 March 2011 at 2 pm NZ Time) - Bid on Argo
Find out more about Lucy's Argo Starship Warrior Princess on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Resene Horse Page