Here's an update on Lucy's Resene Facebook page and Argo's auction tally for today
Lucy is sitting in second place with 2240 (up by 407 LIKES!) from yesterday's figure. Now that's much more like it! (no pun intended) We are trailing by 401 votes. That's it. Just 401 votes and we hit #1. We have until 10 March (NZ - 9 March US) to do this and stay at #1 until then. Spread the word.
Remember: If you have created a facebook account to support Lucy, please don't delete it BEFORE 10 March at midday NZ time. If you delete it now, Lucy's numbers will fall because the LIKES will disappear. Delete it after 10 March.
LIKE the FB Page now
(Cut off date: 10 March 2011 at midday NZ Time)
Argo on TradeMe: $1100 (Winning Bid So Far 23/02/11)
(Closes: 12 March 2011 at 2 pm NZ Time) - Bid on Argo