ImageLucy's interview on The Today Show turned out to be more entertaining than anticipated. You just don't give Lucy that opening and not have her do something funny:

Coda mispronounced Lucy's name when she was saying one of the "later in the hour we have Louie Lawless".

So it became a running joke. They cut to Lucy once and she had made up a name tag so someone knew who "Louie Lawless" was. Throughout the interview "Louie" was also mentioned.

The televised version of the interview + the Lucy segments not shown online with the running joke are now on the AUSXIP Video Lucy Lawless Channel

The Today Show + Luly Snippets 18 January 2011 - Lucy Lawless

The Today Show + Luly Snippets 18 January 2011 - Lucy Lawless

Posted on: 19th January 2011