Harvey Frand
October 03, 1940 - July 23, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Harvey Frand, Emmy Award winning television producer most recently of the acclaimed series, Battlestar Galactica, has died in Los Angeles after a brief hospitalization for respiratory problems. He was 68. Lucy left this tribute in his memory book:
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:09 PM
Wow, I'm bummed! But even more I feel grateful for having met Harvey. Thank-you so much for the photos, guys and Bill, thank-you for having lent him to BSG and supported him for so long. He was always looking forward to getting back home and I now know you were the reason why.
Harvey was his mother's favourite. and no wonder! He was all of our's favourite.
God Speed, Darling Boy!
your pal,
Lucy Lawless
Lucy Lawless (Los Angeles, CA)
Source | Thanks to JulieH for the info.