Just got this update email from Greenpeace Sign On Campaign from Lucy thanking all the Sign On Supporters:
Dear MaryThanks for speaking up and Signing On.
We have to tell our government the financial recession is not an excuse
to do nothing.
In the next two weeks we've got a chance to do exactly that - at public
consultation meetings over New Zealand's climate change target. Please
turn up to make your voice heard, I will be.
The catastrophe of global warming will make the recession look like a
sour little joke. Clearly, something has to change. Nobody ever went out
of business by adapting to the times.
John Key must carry our message to Copenhagen this December - that we
care desperately about the health of this planet.
There are brilliant minds in science, engineering and agriculture who
know how to reduce our contribution to climate change.
Let's not waste time and knowledge. The Earth has been so good to us.
What have we done for her lately?
Lucy L
PS -
Put it in your diary and don't forget to join other Sign On supporters
at the public meeting in your region.
This is our chance to talk directly to Government ministers. Let's send
them a clear message - 40% by 2020. Details below.
Government climate change target consultation meetings
Monday 6 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Oceania Room, Te Papa
Cable St, Wellington
Tuesday 7 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Princess Ballroom B and C
Hotel Hyatt Regency Auckland
Cnr Princes St and Waterloo Quadrant
Auckland Central
Wednesday 8 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Hall C, Convention Centre
Kilmore St, Christchurch
Thursday 9 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Clifford Skeggs Gallery, Dunedin Centre
1 Harrop St, Dunedin
Friday 10 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Icon Room, Heritage Hotel
91 Fernhill Drive, Queenstown
Monday 13 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Waikato Room, SkyCity Hamilton
346 Victoria St, Hamilton
New Plymouth
Tuesday 14 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Conference Room, Plymouth International
Cnr Courtenay and Leach Sts, New Plymouth
Wednesday 15 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Ocean Suite, East Pier
Hardinge Rd, Ahuriri, Napier
Friday 17 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Waimea Room, Rutherford Hotel
Trafalgar Square, Nelson
If you can't make it to the
meeting you can still submit a short statement via the Sign On website. We
will project them all on a wall somewhere where they'll be very hard to
miss! -
your message
Related News:
Sign On Launch - High Resolution Lucy Image - 25 June 2009
New Lucy Article and Cover - NZ Good Magazine - 15 June 2009
Lucy and Judah in NZ Woman's Weekly - Sign On Launch
Sign On Lucy Signed T-Shirt and New Lucy Message - 3 June 2009
Sign On Behind The Scenes Videos - Lucy Included - 2 June 2009
Sign On News Video and Pic Roundup - 26 May 2009
High Resolution Lucy Images From Greenpeace - 26 May 2009
Lucy Mention and Pics on Sign On Blog - 25 May 2009
New Lucy Articles - Sign On Campaign in NZ Papers - 23 May 2009
Lucy Interview on TV3 News About Greenpeace Campaign - 23 May
Lucy Promo Pics for Climate Change Petition Campaign - 22 May
Lucy In Climate Change Petition - Video and Press Release - 22
May 2009
For video and for more information about Lucy's involvement with the
Sign On Campagin go to the
AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Sign On Greenpeace Information Page