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April 2009 Archives

27 April 2009

Lucy Mention in A Report of Night of 100 Stars

Written by Mrs Marci Weiner who was "seated next to New Zealand stunner, Lucy Lawless" at Night of 100 Stars on 21 February 2009.

She calls herself "fortunate" and judging from her words she really felt that way.

Here is the link

The blog entry is dated March 16, and there is also a beautiful photo attached. (A pic of Kevin Sorbo, too.)

Many thanks to Adi and Barbara Davies for the news



27 April 2009

1993 Lucy Photoshoot - New Scan

In 1993, Lucy had a series of photos taken by Michael Willison. Just added a fourth photo to the gallery. Roger scanned the photo which appeared in a kiwi magazine - not sure which one or the date (and if someone knows please let me know).

Click here to view the images

Chat about this on AUSXIP Talking Xena - Lucy Chat



26 April 2009

Bitch Slap Premiere at Cannes


The site Michael Hurst Now has posted the news that Bitch Slap will have it's premiere at the film market in Cannes on 16 May 2009.

many thanks to Barbara Davies for the news



25 April 2009

Lucy is a Twittering? Alas No...

Twitter seems to be all the rage these days and stars are popping up on there sharing their thoughts and stuff. It seems there is a Lucy Lawless on Twitter. It's not our Lucy. Lucy doesn't do twitter.

Barbara Davies checked with Sharon Delaney and has confirmed it (many thanks Barbara). The Lucy Lawless on Twitter is a fake. If you are in the mood and want to have a bit of a giggle you can go on Twitter and follow the Fake Lucy



8 April 2009

Lucy Narrates War With No Guns Doco - Confirmed

Sharon has confirmed that Lucy will be doing this documentary as reported on 31 March 2009. Check out the message Sharon has posted on the Official Xena Fan Club Page

The following was posted here on 31 March 2009 about an upcoming chat with the filmmaker for the documentry:

War with No Guns - director William Watson
Documentary - feature, currently in production

In the documentary War With No Guns narrator Lucy Lawless ("Xena: Warrior Princess") asks a simple question; In an age of civil war and conflict how do we create lasting peace? To answer one of the world's most burning questions we will journey to Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea and revisit New Zealand's entry into the Pacific's most brutal civil war. In an unprecedented example of peacekeeping, a multinational force, led by New Zealand, chose to leave their guns behind and instead bring guitars and hakas (New Zealand Maori war dance) as their weapons of choice. War With No Guns looks at the fascinating story of how a war was fought without guns, by an army who united the people to peace.

Check out the official site

Talk about this upcoming documentary on AUSXIP Talking Xena - Lucy Chat