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Star Supporters Club rockets ahead
Mighty River Power News
May 2005
Founding member of the Star Supporters Club Lucy Lawless with a child from Starship Health.The Star Supporters Club has almost reached its first goal of raising $160,000 for the Starship Foundation.
Thanks to the thousands of customers who donate to the Foundation every month through their power bills. Launched in May last year, the Star Supporters Club is a Mercury Energy initiative that allows customers to make regular monthly donations to the Starship Foundation, the charity regarded as most worthy by many New Zealanders.
The Star Supporters Club has currently raised $82,840 and with the $35,000 Mercury donated through its sponsorship
of the Foundation will soon reach the $160,000 target.
Money is being raised to purchase a vital Mobile Image Intensifier, a specialised x-ray machine, to replace an ageing
one. The machine provides immediate, detailed pictures on computer-type screens to help surgeons carry out their
work with greater precision. It also enables surgeons to perform operations through tiny incisions, making treatment
and healing faster and less stressful for children.Mercury Energy is one of the Starship Foundation’s Five Star Sponsors, a group of five corporate sponsors that donate at
the highest level to the Foundation. Mercury has been a Starship supporter since 2000.