AUSXIP - Lucy Lawless Files - Articles - 2004 Magazines
Warrior Women Information Page

Skywatch Magazine
(New Zealand Cable Program Guide)

May 2004

Article contributed by NZJester


Throughout history, wars were usually fought by men. It was men who led their armies into battle, it was men who planned the next strategic move and it was men whose heads were coveted by the enemy. Women traditionally looked on during those times of conflict, busy looking after their children and the weak. However some women defied these traditional roles and - whether by choice or by circumstances - became warriors themselves.  This month, the Discovery channel looks at the lives and times of these courageous women. This exclusive five-part series uncovers the myths that surround history's Warrior Women.

Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, led a massive rebellion against the Roman Empire after the Romans had seized all her husband's belongings and ruthlessly attacked her and her daughters.

Hua Mulan distinguished herself as a man and took her elderly father's place in the army. She fought in many bloody battles and was well known for her courage. Not one of her fellow soldiers ever suspected that Hua Mulan was actually a woman.

Joan of Arc, convinced that she was sent by God to free France from the English and help the dauphin reclaim the throne, led the French troops to a miraculous victory over the English at the Battle of Orleans.

Grace O'Malley, the Queen of the Irish Seas, marshaled three pirated sips and up to 200 men as she opposed the English attempts to suppress her homeland.

Lozen, the sister of the mighty apache warrior Victorio, set out on the warrior's path early on. Her skills as a warrior, scout, battle strategist and medicine woman made her one of only two women to join famous Apache chief Geronimo in his attempts to defend his people.

Warrior Women is history with lots of attitude, presented by a woman who knows the lifestyle of a warrior woman better than anyone, 'Xena' herself.

At first the Xena producers didn't want Lawless for the part as she had already played another character, Lysia, on Hercules. But when Lawless dyed her light hair brown, history was made and she landed the role that made her famous around the world.

By Claudia Mischke

Warrior Women
Five Part Series
Monday 3 to Friday 7 at 9:30 pm


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