Lucy has posted a new message on her official fan club site regarding a petition she has signed to permanently stop all plans to open up New Zealand's coastal waters to offshore oil drilling and to stop any expansion of coal mining in New Zealand.

Click here to read her message | Sign petition here

Here's the info from Greenpeace regarding WHY this petition has been created:

New Zealand's coastline is too valuable to risk a catastrophe like the BP oil spill currently devastating the Gulf of Mexico. Yet the New Zealand Government has just permitted dangerous deep sea oil exploration directly off the East Coast of the North Island, and tagged many other areas in New Zealand's waters for further oil exploration.

Like the proposal to open our best conservation land for mining, new oil exploration is a move in the wrong direction for New Zealand.

Expansion of oil and coal extraction threatens our unique environment, the climate and the clean and green reputation that underpins New Zealand's economy. Our Government is struggling to understand the urgent need for a new economic vision. New Zealand deserves a clean energy vision from our Government. In the Energy [R]evolution reportGreenpeace has shown that it can be done.





Read more about Lucy's role as Greenpeace Ambassador and Environmental advocate on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Eco-Warrior Subsite

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