Looks like Ursula, Lucy's gorgeous dog, is in a whole lot of trouble - she continued to help Lucy paint "No Name" The Horse.. problem is that it looks like she also painted the house. Heh. Catch up with another message from Lucy about the state of her house after Ursula tried to help.
Click here to view the larger version of the image and read Lucy's message
The current number of "Likes" is 983! We need alot more than that to get to #1 - so please urge your friends and family with facebook accounts to please "Like" Lucy's Resene Facebook page. I know there are more than 983 Lucy fans with Facebook accounts!
Log into Facebook, go here and like! The more likes we get for the page and if it's the highest amount for the Facebook pages for all the Resene horses, Starship gets an extra $5000 to add to the auction kitty.
You can find out more about why Lucy is doing this, why we've been urging everyone to LIKE a facebook page by going to the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless & Resene Fastest Art Exhibition subsite - it has all the info.