Following up the press release about the Horses being painted for charity which was posted on 07 December 2010, we have more details about what Lucy and other stars will be doing to decorate their horses for charity.
At the completion of Auckland Cup Week the painted horses will be auctioned off with the proceeds from each horse going to the charity of its artist’s choice (I'm guessing the money raised from Lucy's horse will go to Starship)
The following is from the Ellerslie Race Days site:
Full size white fibreglass horses have been appearing in the backyards of Marc Ellis, Lucy Lawless and Karen Walker amongst others. They have been accompanied by a collection of Resene paints and a sign saying “Paint Me”. And so these horses are under starter’s orders as Ellerslie is set to announce the start of Resene’s Fastest Art Exhibition.
An eclectic group of artists, designers, musicians, sports stars and creative individuals will transform these horses into exquisite works of art. On Wednesday 8th December, at the first of Ellerslie’s Barfoot & Thompson Twilight Summer Series events, Auckland Racing Club started this exciting campaign with the likes of Billy Apple, Ra Vincent (sculptor on the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and King Kong movies), Kids of 88, Op Shop, Lucy Lawless, Mark Ellis, the Auckland Blues, New Zealand Warriors and Karen Walker onboard as artists.
For two weeks in February and March 2011, Auckland will then play host to these 18 artworks as they are let loose to race round the city, before returning to their new home at Ellerslie to prepare for Auckland Cup Week. At the completion of Auckland Cup Week the painted horses will be auctioned off with the proceeds from each horse going to the charity of its artist’s choice.
The 18 horses represent the number of starters in the Southern Hemisphere’s richest Derby race, the $2.2 million Telecom New Zealand Derby, which kicks off Auckland Cup Week 2011 at Ellerslie on Saturday 5th March.
Where are the horses going to appear…who knows, we can’t ask them, they’re horses. Source
AUSXIP Reporter: Barbara Davies